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Message from the Executive Director: October 2016

I’ve been extraordinarily impressed by what the charter schools in Baton Rouge and across Louisiana have been able to accomplish in the aftermath of the floods. Many of our schools stepped up to the challenge, making the necessary executive decisions to reopen their schools as quickly as possible, and doing whatever they could to meet the needs of their families.

I’m excited to share with you the stories of two of these schools: Children’s Charter School and Democracy Prep Baton Rouge, both serving the students and families of East Baton Rouge. In partnership with Stand for Children Louisiana, we visited the two schools just weeks after the floods to learn more about how they were able to quickly respond to the devastating event and put the needs of their students and families first. Thanks to Stand for Children Louisiana, we now have these two videos that tell their stories.

Please watch and share far and wide — the dedication of these school leaders and teachers are worthy stories to be told. The ability to respond so nimbly to the needs of their communities is one of the core strengths of charter schools, and one we should highlight to the public.

We hope to do more of this and talk more about the innovations and strengths charter schools can bring to the public education landscape at our upcoming conference in New Orleans this December. If you haven’t registered to join us yet, please do so today. I look forward to seeing you there.


Caroline Roemer Executive Director, LAPCS

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