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Board Member Focus: Brooks A. Duplessis, Crescent Leadership Academy
How did you become involved with your school? Well, actually, Crescent Leadership Academy chose me. After applying to the LAPCS board...

Board Member Focus: Patricia Adams, Benjamin Franklin High School
How did you become involved with your school? In all honesty, my initial involvement was as a Franklin mom and colleague of UNO...

Board Member Focus: J. Ronnie Davis, Young Audiences Charter School
How did you become involved with your school? My wife, Arthurine Payton Davis, is on the Board of Young Audiences. Leadership of Young...

Board Member Focus: Edward Lada, Jr. , Homer A. Plessy Community School
How did you become involved with your school? Having been involved with LAPCS on the vendor level for several years, I reached out to...
Board Member Focus: John Landrum, KIPP New Orleans
Why did you choose to serve on your school’s board? KIPP (and other schools) have proved what is possible — both in education and for New...

Board Member Focus: King Logan, Success Preparatory Academy
What was compelling about the opportunity? Initially, I was invited to the board’s annual retreat to observe. As the day evolved, I...

Board Member Focus: Diane Jackson, Jefferson Rise Academy
Why did you say yes when asked to serve? It is my dream that all children, no matter their background, will be afforded the same...

Board Member Focus: Catherine Flowers, The NET Charter High School
Why did you agree to serve? It is my desire to be a part of a high performing team and I could not help but say yes after meeting the...

Board Member Focus: Carlos Ford, Tallulah Charter School
How did you become involved in your school? I believe in community service and have worked alongside many of the staff. They are real...

Board Member Focus: Alysson Mills, Choice Foundation and Lycée Français de la Nouvelle-Orléans
Why did you say yes when asked to serve? Well, one, Jim Swanson is my boss. But really, far more than that, Choice is an amazing...

Board Member Focus: Joseph Hugg, Algiers Charter School Association
Why did you say yes when asked to serve? As a life-long New Orleanian, I am thrilled with the progress made in local public schools in...

Board Member Focus: Avery Corenswet, Success Preparatory Academy
Why did you choose to serve? How did you become involved with your school? I was interested in supporting the efforts to improve the...
Board Member Focus: Robert Evans, Choice Foundation
How did you become involved with this charter school? Jim Swanson and James Huger asked me to join in 2007. Why did you say yes when...

Board Member Focus: Albert Christman, Delhi Charter School
How did you become involved with your school? I really did not want to be a member of the board that managed the school, but when it...

Board Member Focus: Dr. Florencia Greer Polite, KIPP New Orleans
How did you become involved with your school? When we first moved to New Orleans, I was asked to visit KIPP Believe Primary for a school...
Board Member Focus: Carol Allen, International High School
Why did you choose to serve? I was asked to serve and it seemed a good match for my skills and interests. I am a former educator, having...

Board Member Focus: Rex Cabaniss, Mentorship Academy
How did you become involved with your school? I knew a past board member and expressed my interest in serving on the board. I visited...

Board Member Focus: Tim Gray, Lycée Français de la Nouvelle-Orléans
How did you become involved with this charter school? I was asked by a parent to apply for a position on the board. Lycee was, at the...

Board Member Focus: Sandra Cahill, ReNEW Schools
How did you become involved with your school? ReNEW’s founding board chair, Carol Asher, was looking to add a CPA to ReNEW’s board and...

Board Member Focus: Clyde Mitchell, Lake Charles & Southwest Charter Academy Foundation
Why did you choose to serve? I wanted to make a difference in education in the state of Louisiana by offering a choice when it comes to...
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